Rishabh Kothari

Rishabh Kothari

Monday, 23 April 2012

Enigmon Level 23 on iphone

Another interesting level.
The moment you press the hint button, you will receive a call.
Pick up the phone. It will start saying, "Listen to me very carefully........" and the recording goes.
Mind you, the guy on the phone is really smart enough to pick your bluffs.
Do as he says you to do.
He will first tell you to keep your iphone vertically and walk 5 metres. Do it !
After you are done with this, keep your phone horizontally on a flat surface for 5 seconds. Do it again !
Then he will tell you that you did a wonderful job and then the answer.
Type in the numbers from the TV series LOST without spaces.
No need to google it folks, I am already providing you the service.
4,8,15, 16, 23, 42. Make sure you type them without spaces.
Level Cleared!

Enigmon level 22 on iphone

Make use of the level 5 bonus which you get when you press the "Home" button on your mini-iphone's screen.
Its either z or 7L  

Enigmon level 21 on iphone

Fizz the bottle by shaking the iphone.
The answer is fresh by the way. 

Enigmon level 20 on iphone

Watch the video like a hundred times to get the clue.
There are various numbers indicated on the screen at various pictures. 
Study them, analyze them and find the answer. If not, use 'site'.
All the clues come out during the 20 second count... 

Enigmon level 19 on iphone

The answer is "Pi"

Enigmon level 18 on iphone..


Enigmon level 17 on iphone

The answer is Google. 

Enigmon level 16 on iphone

Undoubtedly the best level in the game so far.
The level is inspired by "Back to the future" trilogy. 
Change your time settings to 10:04 or 22:04. Even the date has a significance though not here sadly. 
At exactly 22.04, the lightning will hit the machine and you will find your answer. 
2,21 gw.
The updated version seems to show directly the lightning with the date flashing on the screen.
Do the necessary time settings as mentioned above and you will clear the level automatically when it starts showing a man running at a rapid pace inside a circle. 

Enigmon level 15

The answer is coming soon... 

Enigmon level 14 iphone

The answer is 'elrond'

Enigmon level 13 iphone

Whichever number you consider, the answer will always come to Six.
Type Six as you type in your normal keypad.

Enigmon level 12 iphone

The hidden word is "secret"........
Bonus is '1'

Enigmon on iphone level 11

Scroll down the page, you will see something like this,
"Artesina in Google Maps"
Search for Artesina in Google Maps.
Look here and there, you will find something amusing.
The same amusing thing is the answer.
Bonus- '4'