I was searching for a brain-whacking game in the i-store, and I happen to find an amazing one called EnigmOn. What a game..!!!
First of all, I had no idea what to expect from it. No absolute idea again about the amount of brain will it make me use. I started playing and I entered the level-1.
On my Iphone's screen it showed a drawing of a black key, with a weird background.
I was wondering, " What the hell is it supposed to be?".... Why key?
The obvious place I would go to find the answer was the hint button, it said, "Your phone is the key, now open EnigmOn's door !" What the heck man?
It took me more than two and a half hour to find the answer, and I must tell you, it is pretty simple.
The only thing I had to do was hold the phone in the same manner as I hold a key, and try and imitate opening a door. LEVEL CLEARED!!!
The game then told me to take this famous bonus, may be it could help me one day ! I took a pen and noted it down. The bonus was the letter e.
I pitied myself over the fact that I took more than two and a half hours to complete this level. But it was a learning point for me. It gave me a useful hindsight as to what should I expect from this game. Within a week, I cleared all the levels I had, 32 to be precise.
I will be posting the various ways and techniques to clear these levels. I hope it might benefit some of the new users. Untill then, bye-bye. Sayonara... !! Hope to see you soon.